Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – Rheumatism

(jup) In unserer aktuellen Folge der Serie English for PTA geht es um Rheuma. Eine Kundin kommt mit Knieschmerzen in die Apotheke. Im Laufe des Gespräches berichtet sie, dass ihre Mutter unter rheumatoider Arthritis leidet und sie sich Gedanken macht, ob sie ebenfalls erkrankt ist. Podcasterin Jane Funke, Autorin unserer Serie English for PTA in DAS PTA MAGAZIN, ist Native Speaker und hilft Ihnen bei der Aussprache englischer Fachbegriffe.


PTA Podcast Englisch
© Foto: Mone Beeck


PTA: Good morning, what can I do for you?

Aktueller Podcast

Customer: I’d like something for the pain in my knee.

PTA: How long have you had it?

Customer: It’s been this bad for about a week.

PTA: Have you injured it in any way?

Customer: No, it just seemed to appear from nowhere.

PTA: Can you describe how it feels?

Customer: Well to begin with, the knee was just a bit stiff in the morning. Then it started hurting as I was hurrying to the bus stop on my way to work. The more I move, the worse it gets.

PTA: Is it swollen?

Customer: Yes, and tender.

PTA: What have you done so far?

Customer: I’ve been putting my feet up in the evenings with a cold compress on my knee and I’ve taken a painkiller once or twice this week. It hasn’t really helped though.

PTA: A hot water bottle or a grain pillow may be better to relax the muscles but whether hot or cold is better, is often a case of trial and error! Is there anyone in your family with similar problems? A genetic disposition is not unusual

Customer: My mother had to have a knee replacement in her seventies but she had rheumatoid arthritis. I hope I don’t have the same.

PTA: Well, in that case, you should definitely see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is imperative in order to prevent damage to the joint. You may even be referred to a specialist for tests.

Customer: Oh dear. What kind of tests would that involve?

PTA: Blood tests to determine inflammatory processes in the body and if you’ve been bitten by a tick, to eliminate Lyme disease. There will be X-rays and possibly MRI scanning.

Customer: Is the damage to the joint reversible?

PTA: Well, currently we don’t really know what it is. In any case, early diagnosis is important as in many cases it’s possible to achieve clinical remission.

Customer: Can I do anything to reduce the pain?

PTA:I can recommend external treatment with pain ointment containing diclofenac for example. If you prefer a natural product, you could choose an ointment with comfrey. If you use the diclofenac formula, you should remove any superfluous cream with a tissue and dispose of it in the residual household waste instead of washing it off. Diclofenac has been found in lakes and rivers and it harms the fish population. That should be avoided whenever possible.

Customer: How awful! I don’t want that! What else can I do?

PTA: An appointment with your doctor should have top priority. Would you like me to show you the applications?

Customer: Yes please. Do you stock grain pillows too?

PTA: We do.

Customer: You’ve been very helpful. Thank you.

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PTA FUNK, der Podcast von DAS PTA MAGAZIN, beleuchtet Themen, die PTA interessieren. Egal, ob zuhause auf dem Sofa oder in der Bahn: Klicken Sie auf unsere Webseite, und hören Sie zu. Natürlich können Sie PTA FUNK auch über Apple und Google Podcast, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcast und Podimo hören. Diese Episode dauert 4:32 Minuten.

Hier finden Sie den kompletten Heftarchivartikel Rheumatism: A Wide Range of Symptoms (Ausgabe 11/2022) aus unserer Serie English for PTA. 

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