Podcast PTA FUNK: Einfach Englisch lernen – The immune system

(jup) Unsere aktuelle Folge der Serie English for PTA beschäftigt sich mit dem Immunsystem. Hören Sie den Dialog zwischen PTA und Kundin zu einer Immuntherapie bei Bienenallergie und frischen Sie Ihre Englischkenntnisse auf. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören.


PTA Podcast Englisch
© Foto: Mone Beeck

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PTA: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Customer: Yes please, I’ve just seen an article on immunotherapy for people who are allergic to insects. Would you recommend this kind of treatment?

PTA: What are you allergic to?

Customer: I was recently stung by a bee and reacted badly. My hand was very painful. It swelled up to twice its size and I felt dizzy and sick. It frightened me.

PTA: Is it the first time you’ve reacted this way?

Customer: Yes, but my new in-laws keep honeybees, so it’s unlikely to be the last time.

PTA: In that case, it sounds like an immunization against bee venom would be a good idea.

Customer: How effective is it?

PTA: It’s highly effective in 80-90 % of cases if the treatment is completed, and we’re looking at about five years.

Customer: Oh, that’s a long time.

PTA: Yes. It would start with very small doses – probably once a week until a so-called maintenance dose is reached. After that, the injection would be given once every four to six weeks. This gives the body the time to adapt to the bee venom and develop a tolerance.

Customer: What do I need to know beforehand?

PTA: If you got a cold, the flu or a high temperature, you would have to postpone an injection until after recovery. The same would apply if you developed any other allergic symptoms such as hay fever or asthma. Do you suffer from diseases like heart disease or high blood pressure?

Customer: No.

PTA: Are you pregnant?

Customer: I don’t think so.

PTA: If you are, you shouldn’t start treatment until after the birth.

Customer: Why is that?

PTA: In the rare case of an anaphylactic shock, there’s a small risk for the baby.

Customer: What is that?

PTA: It’s a severe reaction, where blood pressure falls dramatically
causing circulation problems or breathing difficulties.

Customer: I don’t like the sound of that. Can it be avoided?

PTA: That is not really possible but it is a very, very rare side effect. Generally,
the side effects are only mild and your doctor may suggest taking a non-sedating
oral antihistamine to reduce the risk of side effects.

Customer: What can I do in the meantime?

PTA: Try to stay in the shade when you visit your in-laws. Wear light coloured clothing and avoid any kind of perfume if you can. Remain as calm as possible if a bee approaches you. I also suggest you consult your health care provider about an emergency kit, which contains an adrenalin auto-inject, antihistamine tablets or drops and cortisone. You should always keep it with you.

Customer: I will definitely do that. Thank you very much for your help.

PTA: You’re welcome!

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PTA FUNK, der Podcast von DAS PTA MAGAZIN, beleuchtet Themen, die PTA interessieren. Egal, ob zuhause auf dem Sofa oder in der Bahn: Klicken Sie auf unsere Webseite, und hören Sie zu. Natürlich können Sie PTA FUNK auch über Apple und Google Podcast, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon Music, Samsung Podcast und Podimo hören. Diese Episode dauert 4:24 Minuten.

Hier finden Sie den kompletten Heftarchivartikel The immun system: The Body’s Weapon aus unserer Serie English for PTA. 

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